


Unsung Architects in America

A documentary series featuring diversity of old, new, traditional and contemporary Architects across America.

We will be collaborating with the American Institute of Architects, (the AIA ), who has been supporting and educating Architects since the organization was founded in 1857.

This series will give Architects their honored recognition while showing us their personal and professional motivation and artistic talents that surround us.

Benjamin Marshall trailer:

Benjamin Marshall 25 minute pilot:

Whitney Houston “CLOSE UP”

Existing documentary that is 90% finished, is planning to be released in Feb 2022 for the 10 year anniversary of Whitney’s passing. This personal and intimate film is directed by her friend and well known Austrian Director Rudi Dolezal. The existing 1:20 film is available, and we are looking for financing collaboration to add more interviews from those who knew and loved Whitney, in order to complete and release the film.

Rudi Dolezal show reel:

* Also available a :90 live concert of Whitney shot by Dolezal,


The ever so strong spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional connection between humans and dogs.

This documentary will show us the amazing human like things that dogs are capable of. The unconditional love and connection that dog’s and humans have for each other, the discovery and similarity of our minds, molecular and cellular structure, and the fact that dogs do feel emotions like their best friends, us humans do.

If there truly is a God, did he or she give us dogs to be here for us in a physical form, to take care of us emotionally, physically and to be a mirror image of ourselves?.. There is no coincidence that Dog is God Spelled Backwards.

Owners of the trademark of Dog is God Spelled Backwards for merchandising.

View sizzle reel:


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